
Intelligent elephant gorilla mind rush
Intelligent elephant gorilla mind rush

A new film called Ape Genius shows that apes are more intelligent than most people tend to consider. What is new however is the fact that observation has determined that this knowledge was passed on to other chimps who learnt similar skills by watching the actions of Judy. In a controlled experiment a chimpanzee called Judy learnt various manoeuvres in order to obtain a piece of fruit, nothing new there of course most of us realise that chimps are able to learn such skills. Chimpanzees it appears can fas hion a spear for hunting. Recent observations into ape intelligence reported in the Telegraph show new aspects of ape intellect. The researches have concluded that this behaviour is culturally transmitted and passed through the maternal line!*1) Furthermore the dolphins select conical shaped sponges that will not fall off their snouts rather than the usual flat ones. Researchers observed that bottle neck dolphins in Australia have devised a way to break off pieces of sponge from the sea bed to use rather like a glove to protect their snouts while they forage. Known for their altruism, a characteristic that in itself requires intelligent thinking processes, dolphins are very adept at using tools and it has been shown that dolphins use a training process to pass on their knowledge to other dolphins. Dolphins of course display remarkable intelligence. Many of the characteristics of sentience discussed in this section indicate the presence of intelligence, for example the existence of Jealousy in animals (most notably dogs), such a complex emotion requires intelligence. Did you know that, pigs understand mirrors and elephants mourn their dead taking part in recognised rituals which requires complex reasoning and thinking, all of which is evidence of intelligence.

intelligent elephant gorilla mind rush

This page discusses intelligence and ingenuity providing stories illustrating various aspects of these facets and intellectual abilities in animals including memory and the ability to learn, to make and use tools, to apply past experiences to present moments and future expectations, and to reason, for example pigs and other animals have been known to open pen gates and escape staging a breakout for the rest of the animals. This page highlights stories and information that shows that animals are capable of intelligence and ingenuity

Intelligent elephant gorilla mind rush