
Buster posey family
Buster posey family

A year later, the family adopted Ada and Livvi, twin girls who were born premature. "I definitely value who I am and will be as a husband and father, first and foremost," he said at the time.īack then, Buster and Kristen Posey were raising energetic twins, Lee and Addison, who had started to become regulars at the ballpark. Posey spoke to specialists and did research on brain injuries, and as he waited for his return to the field, he talked about what was most important to him in all of his future decision-making. He loves baseball and could hold just about any role in this game on or off the field, but two years ago, when he suffered his second concussion, he talked openly about what was ahead for the rest of his life. Posey, who will announce his retirement on Thursday morning, has the gifts to do just about anything he wants in life, but over the years, he has left no doubt about where his priorities lie. The real question was how long he would play baseball.

buster posey family

It was never a matter of how long Posey would catch. But anyone who ever wondered if moving away from the plate would extend Posey's career and lead to even more prolific offensive production was asking the wrong question.

buster posey family buster posey family

The man who once played all nine positions in a game at Florida State was a natural at first base, and he certainly had the quickness and arm, even in his final season, to handle the other infield corner. SAN FRANCISCO - Buster Posey will go into the Hall of Fame in five years as a catcher, the best of his generation and one of the most accomplished in MLB history, which is why it was so odd that Posey spent so much of his Giants career answering questions about when he might move to another position.

Buster posey family